Sites Status

We strive for a 99.5% uptime for our hosted sites. Above you can see the uptime percentages and average response times for our sites in the current month, week and last day. Approximately 0.5% downtime is expected for site backup and periodic maintenance that is scheduled in the early morning hours each day.

MonitorStatusTypeLast 24H7 days30 daysLast year
A Hero 4 AllOfflineHTTP(s)0%0%58.566%96.223%
Grid-Assisted SolarOfflineHTTP(s)0%14.244%79.435%94.701%
River Spirit BrewingOfflineHTTP(s)0%0%62.044%93.719%
Clear Stream AcupunctureOnlineHTTP(s)100%100%100%99.988%
CW Team MarketingOnlineHTTP(s)100%100%100%99.983%
Friends of PurdonOnlineHTTP(s)100%87.966%97.192%99.422%
The Affiliates GroupOnlineHTTP(s)100%100%100%99.996%
The Writings of K.W. BowlinOnlineHTTP(s)100%100%100%99.988%
Utopian Realms (.com)OnlineHTTP(s)100%100%100%99.966%
Utopian Realms (.org)OnlineHTTP(s)100%100%100%99.995%
Utopian Realms